
目前分類:長毛日記 (12)

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Date: July 28, 2010

jophie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2010 Dairy No. 11

Date: 2010.4.19

I think over and over again this title, what is the best thing for me?

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Date: 2010.03.03

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Date: 2010.02.04

Today, I decide to let Radio accompany them. So I open it with small volume.

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Date: 2010.02.03

It's the first day I leave M&A at home alone.

I am a littel worried about them: Will they go crazy in a strange environment? Will they be sick? Will they cover with dust? Will they mess my room up? Tear my books and push them down? Scratch my bed? I imagine a lot kinds of situations that I may face after I come home.

But everything "looks" fine actually. Only my table lamp is down, and so is my shoebox. When I look carefully, my bed covered by a large blanket (I cannot imagine if I don't put it on) is filled with cat hair and dust. It looks terrible. So far so good.

As for the smell, the whole house smells badly. So I open each window to ventilate my room and the living room. Starting sweeping the floor and changing clean water, then I collect cat feces. Every time I clean up cat litter, M will run over to poop. Then I need to clean up again. It smells extremely unpleasant, especially during the night.   

Therefore, I decide to buy deodorizer. It is helpful.

But that night, I cannot sleep well and suffer from sleeplessness because A mews all night. Every time she jumps upon my bed and stops the sound, but after she leaves the bed, she makes noises again. I cannot figure out what it means.

Is she uncomfortable? Does she miss her master? Or is she terrified?

Please don't be. It's me who is nervous as you do, okay?


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Date: 2010.02.02

I start the first-time keeping-pet life. Welcome M and A.

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Date: 2010.02.01

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Date: 2010.01.31

Today is also a sunny day! Let's go climbing.

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Date: 2010.01.30

I clean house by myself.

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Date: 2010. 01. 29

I received a gift.

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Date: 2010.01.28

I did my hairdo today.

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開始寫英文日記。          PS. 正常狀態應該是會變雜記。

Date: 2010. 01.27

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